Should We Let Hoda Muthana Back Into the U.S?
Last Thursday, I was watching the news in the Army ROTC Cadet Lounge when I first heard the story about Hoda Muthana. If you are not familiar with this current event, Hoda Muthana was a woman who left the United States at the age of 19, and traveled to Syria in order to be radicalized by the terrorist regime, ISIS. Today, approximately five years after her departure, she wants to reenter the United States with her 18-month-old son and reunite with her family in the US. The current issue that is being debated is whether or not Hoda Muthana should be allowed to return to the United States. I firmly agree with the argument that the government should not let Hoda Muthana back into the United States. If there is one thing we can wholeheartedly agree on as a nation , it is that we do not negotiate with terrorists. This woman joined a terrorist regime and openly spoke against America in an evil and violent manner. When I was watching the news Thursday, one reporter stated th...