Should We Let Hoda Muthana Back Into the U.S?

Image result for woman wants to come back to us fox news

Last Thursday, I was watching the news in the Army ROTC Cadet Lounge when I first heard the story about Hoda Muthana. If you are not familiar with this current event, Hoda Muthana was a woman who left the United States at the age of 19, and traveled to Syria in order to be radicalized by the terrorist regime, ISIS. Today, approximately five years after her departure, she wants to reenter the United States with her 18-month-old son and reunite with her family in the US. The current issue that is being debated is whether or not Hoda Muthana should be allowed to return to the United States.

I firmly agree with the argument that the government should not let Hoda Muthana back into the United States.

If there is one thing we can wholeheartedly agree on as a nation, it is that we do not negotiate with terrorists. This woman joined a terrorist regime and openly spoke against America in an evil and violent manner. When I was watching the news Thursday, one reporter stated that she lit her American passport on fire. In another news article I read, it explained that she once posted on Tweeter the following statement;

"Go on drivebys, and spill all of [Americans’] blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them. Veterans, Patriots, Memorial, etc day … Kill them."

This statement is a direct and deadly threat to the people of the United States, regardless of when it was posted. To ensure the safety and security of American citizens, we must not let Hoda Muthana back into this country, despite her being a citizen.

In addition, Ms. Muthana is now claiming that she wants to reenter the United States so that she can talk to young women discouraging them from being brainwashed by ISIS propaganda. Are we supposed to take her word for it? Do we just trust that she is no longer with ISIS? What if she is lying about why she wants to come back to the U.S.? She could possibly want back into the country in order to spread ISIS ideals to others and inflict terror on the homefront. We cannot take the chance of letting someone in who might still have ties with ISIS. I am not denying that she may have regrets for joining this evil terrorist group. However, we must explore every possibility as to why she wants to enter the U.S in order to protect the American people.

There are always consequences for one’s actions, especially when it comes to terrorism. When you denounce America and jeopardize the safety of its people, a simple “I’m sorry” is definitely not going to cut it.  If someone threatened to harm your family members and directly attacked your family name, would you let them into your home? I think we all would answer that question with a strong no. Hoda Muthana cannot do anything to erase the fact that she was a terrorist for ISIS. She cannot be trusted and her motive for reentering the country could be one of despotism and violence. We must choose security over sympathy when it comes to the issue surrounding Hoda Muthana. 

Sources used:
Norman, Greg. “ISIS Wife Begging for US Return 'Willing to Pay Her Debts,' Lawyer Says; Critics Say 'Jihadists Have No Space'.” Fox News, FOX News Network,


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