Our Nation's Living Principles

Principle: a fundamental truth or rule that shapes or guides one's beliefs or chain of reasoning 

As human beings, we all possess principles that shape the manner in which we live our lives. Who you are as a person is determined by the principles you carry yourself by. However, what allows us as Americans to determine the way we live stems from our foundation. The values and principles embedded in the Declaration of Independence empower us to have control over our lives.

Therefore, I believe that the most influential aspect of the Declaration of Independence is its principles. The principles established by the colonists gave them a foundation on how to live their own lives separate from the jurisdiction of the British. In her book, Our Declaration: A Reading of the Declaration of Independence in Defense of Equality, Danielle Allen explains how, “The colonists have not been told by someone else that King George is now an enemy. They judge him to be such. As a community, they grasp and hold this fact through their own collective interpretation of their present circumstances. On its account, they must now act differently” (Allen 261-262). Their principles allow the colonists to define the actions of King George III as morally wrong and take the necessary precautions accordingly. As a result, the principles of freedom and equality are what propel the colonists to declare their independence from King George III and their British brethren. 

In addition, the principles by which the Declaration of Independence was written upon are most important to our understanding of the document today. The facts or events that occur in history vary from generation to generation. The facts recorded by the colonists are totally different from the facts of 21st century Americans. This difference is what makes citizens believe that the Declaration of Independence is an unrelatable and outdated document in 2019. However, we as citizens of the United States of America, have continued to live by the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence for the past 242 years. The ideals of freedom, equality and the “pursuit of happiness” are still proclaimed by citizens all across the nation, and by our political leaders.

Without the writing of the Declaration of Independence, the principles of freedom and equality would not exist today. The absence of such important values could have possibly kept us under British rule to this day. However, because we are Americans, the principles that freed us from the British in 1776 continue to live on within us today. This is why it is so important to read and reread the Declaration of Independence. The documents fundamental principles are what unite us as American people.


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